Yasmeen Nicole’s biography: age, height, zodiac sign, boyfriend

 Yasmeen Nicole has gained fame through her social media platforms, especially on Instagram, where she regularly posts her photos. Her biography highlights all you need to know about his career and personal life. Profile summary Full name: Yasmeen Nicole Other names: Lil Yas Gender

 Female Date of birth:4 February 2003 

Age: 19 years old (as of 2022)

 Zodiac sign: Aquarius

 Place of birth: Dallas, Texas,

 USA Current residence: Dallas, Texas,

USA Nationality: American Ethnicity: 

Mixed Religion: Christianity Sexuality:

 Straight Height in feet: 5'3"

 Height in centimetres: 160 Weight in pounds: 114 Weight in kilograms: 52 Body measurements in inches: 34-28-40 Body measurements in centimetres: 86-71-101 Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Green Siblings: 1 Relationship status: Single High school: W.R Eaton High School University: Arizona State University Profession: Fashion model, makeup artist, and social media personality Read more

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