N.B. company finds viral success through satisfying lip balm videos

 A family-owned business in Moncton says it’s blown away by its viral success on social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

Sylvie Roy and Mario LeBlanc run Eclair Lips, where they sell lip balms, scrubs and colourful lip balm holders that can clip onto a purse or backpack.

The business officially launched in 2015, but Roy said she’s long had an interest in lip balm.

She originally started making balms in her kitchen, giving them out to her friends and family when she made too many for herself.

“It’s like making muffins,” Roy said. “You can’t just make one, you have to make a bunch of them.”

In 2022, she and LeBlanc began making short videos for TikTok, showing how the lip balms were made. She later began posting YouTube shorts, where the videos took off almost immediately.

“Within a month, I had 100,000 subscribers just from sharing these shorts,” she said. “It was mind-blowing. It was very overwhelming, but it was really cool.”

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Currently, Eclair Lips has almost 240,000 YouTube subscribers and 146,000 TikTok followers, where its satisfying videos have received more than nine million views.

More than four million of those views were from a video showing Roy scraping off excess balm with a scraper that’s just a bit too big.

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