Second Leaked Video Of Bridget Ziegler With Another Woman (Watch)

 Second Spilled Video Of Bridget Ziegler With Another Lady (Watch)

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Sarasota police got a second intercourse video from Florida Conservative Faction Executive Christian Ziegler. It shows his mate Bridget Ziegler relationship another young lady.

Florida's Middle for Government Responsibility, which at first guaranteed Christian Ziegler was beneath examination for assault, was educated by local guideline implementation that there was a subsequent intercourse tape.

It ought not be perceived in the event that the subsequent young lady is comparative young lady who blamed Christian Ziegler for assault, or on the other hand in the event that it's something else entirely.

Police have gotten a video of Christian Ziegler having sex with a young lady who blames him for assault. Policing portrayed the Florida Government Responsibility Center tape as surely entangling the case contrary to Ziegler.

That is because of various key specifics that seem like in question concerning the events as depicted by the Sarasota young lady inside the claims.

1. Maddie Cost has exclusively spilled motion pictures and pictures

As indicated by the Middle, through the examination of Christian Ziegler, the police tracked down this different video. It's hazy on the off chance that the indistinguishable young lady is a piece of the freshest video got by guideline implementation.

"It isn't known whether the lady in the video is similar lady who claims she was physically attacked by Christian Ziggler. Neither Christian nor Bridget Ziegler answered Harpoon's solicitation for input," the center revealed.

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