Bridget Ziegler Leak Tape Video Recovered By The Police Leaked Online

 Bridget Ziegler Break Tape Video Recuperated By The Police Released On the web (Watch Full Video)

A sex video including Sarasota Educational committee part Bridget Ziegler and a unidentified lady has been recuperated by police as a feature of the continuous criminal examination of an assault charge made against Bridget's significant other, Christian Ziegler, sources near the examination have told the Florida Harpoon.

Because of a particular freely available report demand for that video, the Sarasota Police Division on Thursday declared the video was excluded from revelation because of the continuous criminal examination.

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The video, as per sources, was gotten by police after a court order was executed on Christian Ziegler's PDA and Google account in November to recuperate proof regarding the supposed assault.

As indicated by an affirmation recorded by Sarasota police Det. Angela Cox, Christian Ziegler owned up to police he recorded the occurrence that prompted the assault claim, a video police likewise recuperated in the examination.

Bridget Ziegler told specialists she and her better half had a joint sexual experience with a similar lady over a year prior, as per the sworn statement.

A subsequent video has been recuperated by police showing Bridget Ziegler, a prime supporter of the moderate Mothers for Freedom, participating in sexual relations with a lady, sources said.

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