WATCH: Club 386 viral video sparks controversy over racism in south africa

 A new controversy erupted from a restaurant located in Durban known as “Club 386”. If you have been active on the internet and social media for the past couple of days, you must have heard about the Club 386 viral video controversy that is sparking outrage among the netizens. The Club 386 viral video has created a stir within the Umhlanga, Durban community as the ongoing viral video is subject to endorsing racism. So far, thousands of people have watched the clip but still, many people are unversed in this incident. Therefore, we have come up with this column to share all the imperative details about it. Stick with this page and go through the article till the end. Drag down the page.

Club 386 Viral Video Sparks Controversy

The ongoing viral video of Club 386 has been described as a disturbing incident. It is believed that the original video of Club 386 was shared online by a man identified as Nolan who is the subject of the video. Nolan seemingly had a negative experience at Club 386. In the clip, Nolan says he was judged and bullied at Club 386 over his physical appearance and skin color. These claims of Nolan have sparked widespread outrage among internet users. Continue reading this article and learn more details.

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